
It has been said that,

“Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.”

Over and over again, Sreshtha Tewari (Sre) embodies exactly what it is to be a great leader/ mentor. A year ago before I joined her team I was immensely demotivated, being knocked from pillar to post for the last three years and never really being able to perform to the best of my ability. I literally felt as though I was drowning without someone to throw me a lifeline.

I came into the department with my pre-conceived notions, expecting very little because the awful past proved to be my reality or so I thought. This all changed the moment I had just one encounter with Sreshtha. I immediately realized that she was nothing like any of my past superiors. She gave guidance to me in every assignment and her support and confidence in me was simply amazing even when I didn’t get it right the first time! I must admit at first I abhorred the very thought of being a Writing Advisor but Sreshtha like lightening changed my mind.

As my manager there was never a moment when I didn’t feel that she was not genuine in any given circumstance. This is one quality that Sreshtha possesses that I truly cherish because I am cognizant and appreciative of her relentless passion and commitment not only to my personal development and professional growth but to countless others with whom she interacts.

Sreshtha is kind, attentive, analytical, intelligent and always positive. She has this magic as I call it where she could just make you feel like you could do absolutely anything. She instilled confidence in me like no one ever could. At the end of the day you knew what you did mattered. It mattered to the team and it mattered to her.

With the support of Sreshtha and her team I have grown not only professionally but in every aspect of my life. The core values that have been instilled in me during the past year has been invaluable.

In summation my experience with working with Sreshtha has been immensely rewarding from our weekly motivational sessions, our intense BAU reviews and even to my personal achievement of being one of the winners of the ‘digitally enabled relationship bank ‘writing competition, I must declare without a shadow of doubt that “Sre” as she is fondly known is an exceptional boss and an inspirational leader. Thank you for your guidance and truth every step of my professional journey.”

— PJ