Meet the High Quality Guy of your Dreams Workshop

Your soulmate is out there…Let’s find him!!!

You may be introverted and not aligned with conventional dating advice (like me). You may be hesitant to enter into a relationship because there are things you don’t really want to give up. If these things ring true for you, this workshop is specially tailored to your needs.

Intellectual women over 35.

I know how hard it is to believe in true love after all that you went through. Didn’t our story books promise us fairy tales? And then what happened? Hurt, disappointment, sadness, sometimes even bitterness and jealousy. Leading you to several questions; Does true love really exist? Or are all men really dogs? You worked too hard in your life for your personal life to feel this unhappy and lonely.

I’m here to tell you that true love definitely exists! In fact, I’ve even met my twin flame (story for another time;)). Let’s get to what’s important here…Finding your true love!

I know you’ve wondered if he’s out there… This is your chance for confirmation!

I know he exists and I’m going to help you find him! Better yet, you are going to leave this workshop having met him and, with irrevocable confidence that you are going to find him…Because you are!!

In this workshop you will walk away:

  • Having met your dream guy

  • Knowing his energy

  • Having a conversation with him

  • Receiving a blueprint to attract him into your life

  • Full conviction and confidence in his existence


When: April 2nd, 2023

Time: 6:00 - 7:30PM AST

Venue: ZOOM

Investment:After March 31st TT$444/USD66

Testimonials & Client Experience

I’m done wishing, hoping and praying…

I’m ready to find him!!!